Your dog will run for the border collie to get some Dog Tacos!
- Individually wrapped single servings
- made from crunchy chewy and wettish dog food
- Does not contain MSG
- 20 day shelf life
- May contain MSG
Is your special friend tired of the same old treats? Your dog is going to go crazy for the crunchy, chewy, soft, meaty, cheesy, wet, slimy, powdery, textured, unmentionable flavor of Taco Treats. Why touch dog treats with your hands? Just rip open the package and throw the Taco treat on the floor for you dog to enjoy. Packed with some nutrients Taco treats can be a complete dietary supplement for your dog if you buy enough of them. If you love your dog, get to the Dorftrottel store and get your dog the the Taco Treat today!
We start with the freshest ingredients
Ingredient Processing
Chopped and ready
Ready for packaging